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Julian was only thirteen years of age when he first started working as a helper at a machine shop with his uncle, Ernesto Garcia Sanchez, in 1973.

 Ernesto was strict about his quality and precision on all projects he worked on.

As time progressed, the student "Julian" soon became the teacher thus creating the master he is today, JMaster that is.

JMaster, Julian was born on November 22, 1958 in Laredo, Tx.

As a teenager full of determination, creativity, and persistence. He had a thirst for greatness, Eye Of The Tiger, is how he described it. He pushed through obstacles in his journey to come.

In his adult years, the young and kindhearted prodigy taught everyone from friends & family, co-workers, etc. the tricks to his trade, giving others a chance to having  a great future ahead of them. Julian is about equal opportunity and believes that in this industry, the cake is big and everyone one gets a slice. 

In 2014, Julian realized  that the employer he was with since 2009 was no less than a broken dream. He withdrew his entire retirement fund and invested on himself. Starting off with one service truck and his knowledge, he began to demonstrate to the world what he and the family he created are capable of. Here we are today in China Grove, Texas. Helping our father build an empire that started from a thirteen year old boy with a dream of a better life/future. Helping the city of San Antonio, Texas keep the wheels rolling.




JMaster himself
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